As art lovers, we love to come across new artists that peak our interests and make us fall in love with their art. This week, we curated a list of five oil painters we believe you will love just as much as we do, and keep your eyes peeled for their future works!
Featured cover image: Emerald by Martine Emdur
Mary Chiaramonte
Mary was born in 1979, in a rural land. Her upbringing shows its affect on her through her figurative realism paintings, that connect women and nature. The paintings have their own narrative, and sometimes show you a dark, but familiar fantasy world. You can see more of her from her Instagram account, or through her website.

Our Own Very Secret, by Mary Chiaramonte, 2019, oil on linen.
Martine Emdur
Martine Emdur is a talented oilpainter, whose work mainly consists of detailed underwater paintings. Her use of colors and light gives you a mermaidic feeling, as if you are people-watching under the sea. To see more from her and shop, click here.

Rockpooling, by Martine Emdur.
Milt Kobayashi
Milt Kobayashi’s art takes you through his diverse background, his Japanese-American heritage and his inspirations. He was born in New York, and then he moved on to live in the island of Oahu, Hawaii, then moving onto Los Angeles, and returning to New York City. You can check out his artworks from his website, and Instagram account.

Japanese Street Scene, Milt Kobayashi.
Joshua Miels
Joshua Miels was born in 1982, and he is a contemporary portrait artist. His main focus is “capturing the vulnerability of people and the emotions that people try to hide from others”. Miels’s artworks are recognized by his choice of portraits, and his striking talent using colors and lines. You can reach his artworks through his Instagram account, and website.

Claude_Monet, by Joshua Miels, 2021.