Art in is purest form, is welcoming and celebrates everyone. It has been used as a way of expression, story-telling and to resist oppression. Today, we gathered a list of our favorite artists that portray and represent the queer community with their artworks.
This artist draws LGBTQA+ individuals in Arab cultures. The artist makes postcards and posters insired by the stories of other people, and their own life. The main goal of these artworks is to make sure all Muslim identifying LGBTQI individuals from Arabic, North African and Middle Eastern backgrounds to feel seen and accepted. You can see more of their work from here.
Jenna Gribon is an oil-painter who paints the moments from her life with her girlfriend, her son and her friends. You can read the article published in this magazine featuring her, and you can click here to see more of her work.
Salomeya Bauer is an artist from Tbilisi. Her paintings are mainly focused on gender, and the understanding of it. To learn more about her and her work, you can read the interview we had with her. Also, click here to see her artist profile on
Kelly Beeman is an artist and fashion illustrator. She has a wide range of subjects, and her artwork has been published in numerious magazines including Vogue Korea and Vogue China. To see more of her work, click here.
Nienke S. is an Amsterdam-based artist. She draws lesbian relationships that she describes “diary drawings”. Her minimalistic and vulnerable artworks are inspired by her real life and her fantasies. You can see her website from here.
Jenya Datsko is an artist from Valencia, Spain. Her subject matters are always women, and her pieces are always filled with color. She draws women in love, and sometimes women as mystical creatures. To see more from her, click here.