Art, Emerging Artist

Eric Thaller’s Art is All About Changing Angles

Eric Thaller

Distance is an absolute term when it comes to Eric Thaller’s art. He says, “This dynamic between choosing to be distant or close is what makes you present and engage with my art.” Eric is mostly interested in creating visual experiences from basic elements, often revealing historical or extraordinary figures. He pays homage to influential figures such as Martin Luther King, Andy Warhol, or Audrey Hepburn in most of his works. His visionary approach enables us to read the artworks differently, although we see famous faces from a distance.

What inspires you the most? 

Other humans most inspire me. Specifically, ones that put aside the DNA of selfishness make personal sacrifices and consistently lift others. And also ones that pursue experiences with real fervor. These are the give and live people.

Do you have any favorite books, movies, authors? What are they?

My favorite book is Shantaram. Gregory David Roberts wrote it. It’s about a convicted Australian bank robber and heroin addict who escapes from prison and flees to India. The story juxtaposes unredeemable human behavior with sensitivity, loyalty, and love. It’s a vivid portrayal of life and wonderfully compelling. You should check it out!

What are your bedside books? 

I don’t have bedside books. I have a bedside Ipad with the Kindle app. My virtual bedside book right now is Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. I’m learning a lot about how we got into this mess.

At Risk Interior

Which paintings do you have in your house?

I have a painting by the artist Robert Deyber and then my sister’s finger paintings when she was four years old.

Which tools do you use?

I have been known to use a hammer, a mallet, a screwdriver, and a level. Sometimes for art, but not always. And rarely before 10:37 am.

What was the first exhibition you visited?

I’m not sure because it was so long ago. But I am sure it was something at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. I probably complained to my parents, but subconsciously the outing probably tripped my art trigger.

“… I identify with the notion that one should engage in virtuous pursuits. I think I can simplify it – be the right person, take care of the people you love and some you don’t, and preserve the planet.”


What do you like to listen to the most?

Mostly I’m listening to the myriad of little thoughts racing through my head. However, I’m not sure yet if I like it.

Do you have any turning points in your life regarding your art?

I remember the first time someone complimented my art. It was a stranger, but his simple words lifted my confidence. While we are often hesitant to admit it, sometimes external validation is the spark needed to start the engine.

Which city do you live in? Do you get inspiration from your city?

I live in Los Angeles, and it is full of inspiration. The City of Angels is a divine stew of ethnicities, cultures, religions, and political views. If you can’t draw inspiration from it, then you aren’t paying attention.

“I remember the first time someone complimented my art. It was a stranger, but his simple words lifted my confidence. While we are often hesitant to admit it, sometimes external validation is the spark needed to start the engine.”

Getting Rich

How do you earn life? Are there other things you do besides your art to survive?

Do you earn life? It is an exciting concept, but I’m not sure I agree with the premise. But I identify with the notion that one should engage in virtuous pursuits. I think I can simplify it – be the right person, take care of the people you love and some you don’t, and preserve the planet.

Check out artist’s profile and gallery on! 

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